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Home Office in Grenton Smart Home

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Audio & TV

Integrate all audio-video devices with the system. Create scenes and transform your living room into a centralized entertainment hub controlled from a single app or touch panel.

Thanks to the infrared transmitter in the Grenton Multisensor, control your audio-video equipment with the app instead of a remote control. Also, integrate other multimedia and home appliances, including, for example, a cleaning robot that will automatically start its program after you activate the ‘exit scene’ from the home.


Cinema Mode


Utilize a ‘cinema scene’ to simultaneously turn on the TV, audio system, lower roller shutters, activate ambient lighting, and automatically illuminate the path to the kitchen or bathroom. Take advantage of the ‘morning scene’ where you are awakened in the bedroom by your favorite music or radio news.

You use dedicated modules as well as native and individual integrations, available thanks to the open architecture of the Grenton system, It’s not just about convenience and comfort but also tangible savings. You will save up to 19% by controlling multimedia through the smart home system.

Lighting Control

Use automation or turn the lights on and off in each room from the app or central touch panel. Similarly, control the intensity and color of the light. Utilize lighting scenes. Group light points, manage zones.

Thanks to the integration of lighting with sensors, fully utilize the system’s capabilities. Automatically turn off the lights when no one is home and illuminate the driveway at night when you approach the garage.

Setting a home lighting schedule can reduce electricity bills by up to 35%.



Outdoor Control


Integrate the Grenton Smart Home system with a soil moisture sensor and forget about dried-out plants. The system uses data from sensors and schedules, but also analyzes the rain forecast to avoid unnecessary watering of plants.

According to the schedule, the building’s facade lighting will turn on, as well as the garden’s spot lighting. All thanks to the algorithms of the smart home system.

Also add control of the pump in the pond or swimming pool. Integrate the management of lighting in the garden jacuzzi and turn on the sauna from the mobile application.


You no longer have to worry about flooding, a forgotten iron, an inactive alarm, an open attic window during a storm, or poor air quality in the house.

Grenton will detect the threat and within seconds will shut off the water supply to the entire house or ventilate the rooms in case of detecting too high levels of CO in the air. Using automation, the house itself will activate the alarm in the “exit scene” or close the awning during strong winds.Thanks to myGrenton, you have full control over the house. You will also receive a notification on your phone if something requires your intervention.


Smart Panel


Replacing traditional wall switches, Grenton Smart Panel allows you to control not only lighting but also any other device connected to the smart home system. It also provides easy access to the key information from any sensors, system parameters and data on the status and condition of the house. The versatile touch and gestures control interface allows you to easily and quickly control and invoke all functionalities.

Temperature Control

Control the temperature in your home from anywhere. Connect the air conditioning and furnace to the system and control them from the app or panels.

On a winter morning, the house will raise the temperature so you wake up warm. When you’re not home, it will lower the temperature to avoid generating costs. Before you return, it will raise the temperature again, and just before bedtime, it will ventilate the bedroom.

On a hot day, it will take care of cooling the rooms, utilizing integration with air conditioning and the ventilation system.


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